Arttext for this work
By walking through the streets of Dongsi District, Beijing Downtown, I saw people carry those white styrofoam pieces arround. To throw them away, or give them to the recycling. A frequently-used material with abstract pattern inside a frame. Technicaly perfect. Some of those patterns remind me to Chinese letters. Its too bad to throw them away. After, as I com into the hostel room, where we stood for some days, I saw the lamps on the ceiling with similar pattern like those styrofoam peaces. In the next days, i collect two of those styrofoam pieces and but them as picture objects, as art, on the wall.
Beijing, 02.06.2013
Hajück Köfler MIRZLEKID
Beijing, 02.06.2013
Hajück Köfler MIRZLEKID
mirzlekid - 11. Aug, 16:27